je viens de lire le livre de Carlo Rovelli où il expose sa théorie des trous blancs par rebond d'une étoile de Planck à l'intérieur d'un trou noir via la gravité quantique à boucle.
La version technique se trouve sur arxiv.otg/abs/1407.0989
dont l'abstract est : "We show that there is a classical metric satisfying the Einstein equations outside a finite spacetime region where matter collapses into a black hole and then emerges from a white hole. We compute this metric explicitly. We show how quantum theory determines the (long) time for the process to happen. A black hole can thus quantum-tunnel into a white hole. For this to happen, quantum gravity should affect the metric also in a small region outside the horizon: we show that contrary to what is commonly assumed, this is not forbidden by causality or by the semiclassical approximation, because quantum effects can pile up over a long time. This scenario alters radically the discussion on the black hole information puzzle."
Bonne journée