
ces jours-ci, je me suis intéressé à une suite qui intègre une conjecture selon un contributeur sur l'OEIS et qui est annoncée vraie selon un autre contributeur.

La suite en question est

Il est écrit pour l'énoncé de la conjecture :" Conjecture: at least one number in this sequence must appear in all Collatz sequences."

Puis la preuve : "The above conjecture is true: this is because even numbers and odd numbers divisible by 3 will lead to the set of odd numbers not divisible by 3. Odd numbers of the form 4k - 1 can also be ignored, as this consists of odd numbers that grow between themselves and the next odd term through Collatz iteration. No infinite sequence of growth between consecutive odd terms is possible, so all numbers of the form 4k - 1 will lead to an odd number that shrinks between itself and the next odd number. All numbers 4k - 1 will lead to a number in 4k - 3, the odd numbers that shrink between themselves and the following odd term. What we are left after that elimination is this sequence."

Je trouve cela assez peu clair, (je ne fais pas mieux mais quand même) : cette phrase a t-elle un sens ?