B meson/ quark b
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B meson/ quark b

  1. #1

    B meson/ quark b


    Is there any difference between B meson and quark b ?
    What are phycisist speaking about B physic? Is Bmeson or quark b or the 2 together.


  2. #2

    Re : B meson/ quark b

    Citation Envoyé par Tsitohaina
    Is there any difference between B meson and quark b ?
    What are phycisist speaking about B physic? Is Bmeson or quark b or the 2 together.
    do you speak french? Or nevertheless do you understand it?

  3. #3

    Re : B meson/ quark b

    Citation Envoyé par Tsitohaina
    Is there any difference between B meson and quark b ?
    there is. The B meson is partially composed of the b quark but not only.

    See http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu...les/meson.html

    for the composition of various mesons.

    What are phycisist speaking about B physic? Is Bmeson or quark b or the 2 together.
    most of the time physics of the meson, which however, depends on the physics of the b quark.

    PLEASE :
    - the official language here is french. You are welcome as long as you write in french. Otherwise, you have plenty of very good forums in english...
    - you posted in the astrophysical part of the forum, not in the physical, while mesons and quarks are not astrophysical things. Try to check next time...
    - greeting is not forbidden...

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