Tracé fonction
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Tracé fonction

  1. #1

    Tracé fonction


    Bonsoir je voudrai savoir comment tracé ces fonctions du code ci-joint sur matlab ?

    Merci beaucoup


  2. #2

    Re : Tracé fonction

    voila le code:

    function [L2_error_w] = beam_loadsteps(N,LS)
        % problem parameters
        param.L  = 1; 
        param.EA = 10^5; 
        param.EI = 20;
        param.p1 = 0; 
        param.p3 = 10; 
        param.num_load_steps = linspace(0,1,LS);
        % problem kinematic and static boundary conditions
        bc.u_idx   = [1 ]; 
        bc.u_val   = [0 ]; 
        bc.w_idx   = [2 3*N-1]; 
        bc.w_val   = [0 0]; 
        bc.phi_idx = [3]; 
        bc.phi_val = [0]; 
        bc.F1_idx  = [3*N-2]; 
        bc.F1_val  = [-F1];
        bc.F3_idx  = [ ];
        bc.F3_val  = [ ];
        bc.M_idx   = [ ];
        bc.M_val   = [ ];
        % define number of points for evaluating exact solution
        E = N*100;
         % obtain exact and approximate solution
        %[x_exact ,U_exact ] = beam_exact(E, param, bc);
        [x_exact ,U_exact ] = beam_exact_loadsteps(E, param, bc);
        [x_approx,U_approx] = beam_approx_loadsteps(N, param, bc);
        % prepare plotting
        close all hidden; figure('DefaultAxesFontSize',18); clf; hold on;
        % get sub-element values (for plotting and error computation)
        u_exact = U_exact(1,:);
        w_exact = U_exact(2,:);
        u_approx_m = interp1       (x_approx,U_approx(1,:,end),                  x_exact);
        w_approx_m = interp1hermite(x_approx,U_approx(2,:,end),U_approx(3,:,end),x_exact);
        % plot exact and approximate solution graph
        plot(x_exact ,u_exact   , 'b--');
        plot(x_exact ,u_approx_m, 'b-' );
        plot(x_exact ,w_exact   , 'r--');
        plot(x_exact ,w_approx_m, 'r-' );
        axis([0 param.L -0.005 +0.015]);
        xlabel('coordinate x [m]');
        ylabel('displacement [m]');
        title('beam 2nd order theory');
        legend('u_{exact}^{2nd order}', 'u_{approx}^{2nd order}', 'w_{exact}^{2nd order}', 'w_{approx}^{2nd order}', 'Location','SouthWest');
        grid on;
        % plot lambda-deformation curve
        figure('DefaultAxesFontSize',18); clf; hold on;
        phi = squeeze(U_approx(3,end,:));
        plot(phi, param.num_load_steps, 'b-*');
        xlabel('deformation value (end point rotation) [rad]');
        ylabel('load factor [-]');
        title('beam 2nd order theory: load-deformation curve');
        grid on;
        % compute L_2 error w
        L2_error_w = sqrt( trapz( (w_approx_m - w_exact).^2 ) / trapz(w_exact.^2) );
    Dernière modification par Antoane ; 19/12/2016 à 21h45. Motif: Ajout balises code

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