How to conduct protein expression in bacteria?
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How to conduct protein expression in bacteria?

  1. #1

    How to conduct protein expression in bacteria?


    How to conduct protein expression in bacteria? I searched the internet, and learned that The first choice for the expression of recombinant proteins is typically E. coli. Production of proteins in this bacterial strain is well-established, fast and simple and usually provides high yields. Recent progress in the fundamental understanding of transcription, translation, and protein folding in E. coli, improved genetic tools had made this bacterium more valuable than ever for the expression of complex eukaryotic proteins.

    Can anyone show me more? Thanks!


  2. #2

    Re : How to conduct protein expression in bacteria?


    Désolé, mais ce site est exclusivement francophone.

    Médiat, pour la modération
    Je suis Charlie.
    J'affirme péremptoirement que toute affirmation péremptoire est fausse

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