La NASA recrute : participez à l'analyse des échantillons de Stardust ! - Page 5
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La NASA recrute : participez à l'analyse des échantillons de Stardust !

  1. #121

    Re : La NASA recrute : participez à l'analyse des échantillons de Stardust !


    Oui, mais connaissant un peu le monde de l'internet et ses vicissitudes, je viens à me demander si des petits malins ne lanceraient pas toujours la même page (un simple copier-coller) pour marquer un point à chaque coup... Il existe des robots sur PC qui peuvent simuler la souris et il serait donc possible de: charger le même échatillon (y'a l'ID dans l'url), commander à la souris de cliquer sur l'image.. refaire la même opération 20000 fois... et voilà, 1er au classement
    (ceci dit, je n'ai pas essayé personnellement de recharger le même échantillon)

    Sinon, j'en suis à une modeste 4000eme place environ, je fais quelques échantillons par jour, selon mes disponibilités au boulot.. et bien sûr aucun éclat


  2. #122

    Re : La NASA recrute : participez à l'analyse des échantillons de Stardust !

    Je viens de tester le coup du copier-coller, ca ne marche pas tant pis

  3. #123

    Re : La NASA recrute : participez à l'analyse des échantillons de Stardust !

    Des news de stardust !!

    We are writing to let you know about an exciting new phase that is about
    to begin in the Stardust@home search. Ever since we launched Stardust@home
    nearly a year ago, you and other dedicated "dusters" have proved incredibly
    successful at detecting possible particle tracks in the Stardust interstellar
    collector. We can truly say that the ability of our dusters to pinpoint even
    the smallest and most subtle features in the aerogel has been a constant
    source of amazement to us. Some of these features may well turn out to be
    the very first solid samples of matter from outside the solar system ever

    Now we can do even better. We are currently reprocessing the images we took
    of the Stardust collector so as to double the magnification of the focus
    movies. By scanning these new movies our dusters will be able to pinpoint
    even smaller and subtler potential tracks. A new stardust track hunt, of
    unprecedented sensitivity, will be on!

    But first -- a short break. In order to launch this new Stardust@home
    "Phase 2" we will first need to end the current phase and take the virtual
    microscope (VM) off line for around two weeks. Our plan is to close down
    the VM between July 27 and August 9. The training and testing features,
    as well as the actual search for particle tracks, will all be unavailable
    during this time. We hope to have the forums and the rest of the website
    open during the transition.

    When we temporarily disable the Stardust@home VM, we will also finalize the
    results of all the dusters who took part in Phase 1. The scores, rankings
    and candidate lists from this phase will all be preserved and permanently
    displayed on the Website. When the new Stardust@home Phase 2 launches in
    early August all dusters will begin anew with a clean slate and an equal
    chance at discovering more candidate stardust tracks. For more information
    on our transition to Phase 2 see our website at

    We thank you all for your amazing contributions to Stardust@home, and we look
    forward to the next phase of this historic project. Your talent and dedication
    to this project have been truly impressive. We couldn't do it without you!

    The Stardust@home Team
    “I'm smart enough to know that I'm dumb.” Richard Feynman

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