Un problème sur un exercice
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Un problème sur un exercice

  1. #1

    Un problème sur un exercice


    Bonjour à tous

    Je prend un cour de chimie en ce moment même et j'avoue que je suis complètement largé sur le plus gros sujet du cour : les réactions acido-basiques; pour deux raisons, la chimie n'a jamais été mon fort, mais là je suis a l'étranger et j'ai un peux de mal avec quasiment tous le vocabulaire à réapprendre en anglais.

    Voici mon problème (traduit) :

    Pour le titrage de 50ml d'une solution a 0.100M du sel sodium du tryptophane (tryptophate de sodium ) avec une solution d'HCl a 0.0500M, calculez le pH pour les points suivant du titrage.

    0ml (de HCl) 45, 50, 55, 100, 145, 150, 155, 160, 200, 220, 250

    Voilà ensuite c'est tracez la courbe (ça je devrais m'en sortir ^^')

    et la dernière question, je ne saurais même pas vous la traduire:

    Draw a fractional composition diagram for Tryptophan and calculate the isoionic and isoelectric points (pH’s) for a 0.200 M solution. (isoinic and isoelectric ....eh ? )

    Merci de ne pas me donner les réponses comme ça, parce que sinon ça va pas m'aider pour la suite.
    Merci d'avance


  2. #2

    Re : Un problème sur un exercice

    Je n'ose pas penser à tes performances en anglais quand on voit celles que tu es capable d'atteindre en français. "Je prend un cour" devrait normalement d'écrire en français "Je prends un cours" : deux fautes sur deux mots ! "J'ai un peux de mal" devrait s'écrire "J'ai un peu de mal". Alors en anglais ...
    Ceci dit, on ne peut pas t'aider sans connaître les valeurs numériques des pKa du tryptophane.

  3. #3

    Re : Un problème sur un exercice

    In that case don't you dare even trying to think about my performances.
    Do you even realize how i am supposed to feel after reading your post ?
    I can not spell in French, you then assume that it is the same in English. Well let me tell you that you are wrong. Should i even try to tell you why my spelling is not right in French ? Or are you going to be even more narrow minded ? go one and google "Méthode Globle" then come speak to me again.

    This post is completely unhelpful. You are basically telling me that i am retarded because i cannot spell correctly, (by the way, when you want to say something, say it clearly, do not hide it behind fancy words) worst of all, you are not even helping me.
    The reason I didn't give the pKas is because i wasn't looking for the answer but for the method to figure it out.

    I really want you to ask yourself this question : who is more to be blamed ? the one who ask a question with spelling mistakes, or the one who doesn't answer, and pushes the first one even further below the ground because of his spelling ?

    ... Why did I go to Québec for my studies again ? oh yeah, because I was sick of people in France, thinking they are smarter than the others and making you feel shit every time they have the occasion.
    Where is the logic in that ?? Some one needs help, but because he cannot spell propely no one help him ? Moco sorry you are the one who takes all of this in the face, but even though i am talking to you, i am lso talking to every one who when over this post and decided that i didn't deserve an answer becaue of my spelling

    Next time, just don't answer anything because as well as being useless, your post was not friendly and extremely proud of itself.

    La converse peux être archivée ... voire même effacée, je n'ai plus rien à dire ici.

  4. #4

    Re : Un problème sur un exercice

    I am really puzzled about your reaction. The quality of your text in French is much better than many texts written by French students. I don't know if you have an idea about the poor knowledge of the French language by present pupils living and studying in France. When I reaad your first message, I thought you were an ordinary French speaking student, who writes poorly French as it is usually the case, unfortunately. I thought you were a French student who had to be in an English-speaking community for some reason.
    Why do you believe that I think you are retarded ? I never thought this way.

    But well ! I maintain. To solve your problems, you have to know the pKa values. If you don't, you can't do anything

  5. A voir en vidéo sur Futura
  6. #5
    Responsable des forums

    Re : Un problème sur un exercice

    On va essayer de continuer en français si possible, en évitant les remarques inutiles sur l'orthographe. Merci.
    Rien ne sert de penser, il faut réfléchir avant - Pierre Dac

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