Je voudrais savoir quelle est-t-elle la pression maximale dans la chambre de combustion Dans le fusée spacial.
Merci bien
21/09/2019, 10h55
Date d'inscription
février 2005
Nimes Age: 78700 millions de kms autour du soleil !!
70 024
Re : Fusée astraunotique
Bjr à toi, "
Pourquoi donc , mets tu ton message sur le forum........ "Chimie" ? C'est pas les chimistiques
qui vont te répondre !
Là ce serait peut etre mieux:
Bon WE
Dernière modification par f6bes ; 21/09/2019 à 10h57.
21/09/2019, 12h26
Date d'inscription
mars 2017
8 030
Re : Fusée astraunotique
Salut ,
De 10 à 200 bars . Source Wiki : rocket engine
" Rocket engines produce thrust by the expulsion of an exhaust fluid that has been accelerated to high speed through a propelling nozzle. The fluid is usually a gas created by high pressure (150-to-2,900-pound-per-square-inch (10 to 200 bar)) combustion of solid or liquid propellants, consisting of fuel and oxidiser components, within a combustion chamber. As the gases expand through the nozzle, they are accelerated to very high (supersonic) speed, and the reaction to this pushes the engine in the opposite direction. Combustion is most frequently used for practical rockets, as high temperatures and pressures are desirable for the best performance. "