C'est une sorte de catastrophe pour les verts : après avoir promu l'usage du nucléaire, Lovelock (l'inventeur de "Gaia"), comme Sarkozy, ne croit plus aux dangers du changement climatique, dans une interview au Guardian .
avec des phrases du genre :
“Anyone who tries to predict more than five to 10 years is a bit of an idiot, because so many things can change unexpectedly.”
et un mea culpa au passage :
"But isn’t that exactly what he did last time we met? “I know,” he grins teasingly. “But I’ve grown up a bit since then.”"
Il ajoute :
Lovelock now believes that “CO2 is going up, but nowhere near as fast as they thought it would. The computer models just weren’t reliable. In fact,” he goes on breezily, “I’m not sure the whole thing isn’t crazy, this climate change. You’ve only got to look at Singapore. It’s two-and-a-half times higher than the worst-case scenario for climate change, and it’s one of the most desirable cities in the world to live in.”
Et sur les verts :
". “Well, it’s a religion, really, you see. It’s totally unscientific.” I’m not anti-green in the sense that I’m in favour of polluting the world with every damn thing we make. I think we’ve got to be careful. But I’m afraid, human nature being what it is, the thing gets exaggerated out of all proportion, and the greens have behaved deplorably instead of being reasonably sensible.”
Une religion? waouh. Je suis sur que des esprits brillants ici vont pouvoir démontrer qu'il a tort, non en l'excommuniant bien sur et en se conduisant de manière "déplorable", mais avec des arguments rationnels et scientifiques !