Bonjour wizz,
Vu que je ne sais pas trop s'il s'agissait d'une plaisanterie sur la bêtise que représente le scénario de Die Another Day, encore que si on aime les effets spéciaux...
Quoiqu'il en soit je vais repêcher un passage dans le fameux rapport de la NSSO, et je trouve ceci :
Cordialement[...]The distance from the geostationary belt is so vast that beams diverge beyond the coherence and power concentration useful for a weapon. The beam can also be designed in such a manner that it requires a pilot signal even to concentrate to its very weak level. Without the pilot signal the microwave beam would certainly diffuse and can be designed with additional failsafe cut‐off mechanisms. The likelihood of the beam wandering over a city is extremely low, and even if occurring would be extremely anti‐climactic.