isoler la maison avec la fibre de cellulose
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isoler la maison avec la fibre de cellulose

  1. #1

    isoler la maison avec la fibre de cellulose


    I'm sorry for the language, but I can speak only in english or italian.
    I'm a university italian student and I need some informations about the fibre de cellulose to isolate a house. I know that in France the market is on going since 2006 at least and I know that there are many competitors. So I think would be many costumers that can give me a feedback of these products (but I don't find nothing of good on net).
    Is there someone that bought the product at least 3-4 years ago, and can give me any feedback about real saving checked and the price per m2?

    Thank you


  2. #2

    Re : isoler la maison avec la fibre de cellulose

    Hello, it's difficult for me to give you a feedback because I don't use it. But it's a good product, there are just a little problem of smell when they want to substitue the borax with ammonia. Today that's ok.
    If you wish to look for informations, use the term : "Ouate de cellulose" in french.

    Good luck

  3. #3

    Re : isoler la maison avec la fibre de cellulose


    I'll try in English, hopefully it will be good enough for an Italian

    Citation Envoyé par sajah Voir le message
    Is there someone that bought the product at least 3-4 years ago, and can give me any feedback about real saving checked and the price per m2?
    Savings are related to heating/cooling expenses, type of surface insulated (wall, roof, ...). There is no magic it's just an insulation solution and, as every others, its impact on heat transmission is related to:
    - thickness * lambda coefficient (that is withing 0,020 and 0,100. Ouate de cellulose is nearly 0,039 depending on process and manufacturer).
    - respect of application rules.

    Ouate de cellulose is a quite versatil insulation solution, and can be used successfully in many cases, price rely on the application conditions (density, ease of access, ....).

    So there is no generic rating for this product. It can be a good quality/perfomance choice in some cases, impossible to use or too expensive in others.

    It's better if you tell us what is your use case and we may advice you.



  4. #4

    Re : isoler la maison avec la fibre de cellulose

    I'm doing a market research about this topic. I need to know the effective saving the family has gained after the installation of the product. I need costumers feedback. For example I can ask you how much less you pay after the installation.

  5. A voir en vidéo sur Futura
  6. #5

    Re : isoler la maison avec la fibre de cellulose

    Here it's a scientific / technical forum.

    I cannot give you a relevant feedback because:
    - we insulated the house when we bought it,
    - there was no real heating system before that,
    - I also changed some of the old windows and the type of heating system meanwhile
    - I don't pay the wood I burn in my boiler

    Anyway, with that feedback you see that there will be problems to have a real estimation of savings that can be associated to insulation and savings that can be associated to other actions. Another example: last summer I insulated the wall of one of my rooms with cellulose. My wood consumption was reduced by 25%.
    It could be an impressive result but I also removed some sealing problem and insulated my heating system pipes. Still think it could be relevant?
    This room is maintained at 16°C because not used for now and the insulated wall is something like 4% of my (non insulated) walls and on south face
    Meaning that its real impact on my consumption is probably close to 0%.

    In my opinion, you're on a wrong way. You should analyze the impact on saving/market potential of insulation actions wherever ouate de cellulose is applicable. There is much to read/said here. Many studies available about the need of insulation of existing building and the impact of new rules for construction. Then the specifics of this solution in particular to determinate what place it can take in it...

    Note that ouate de cellulose can come (usually) compressed in bags to be decompressed with a specific tool and drop/push in pressure: this is quite common. It can also be mixed with water so that it sticks on a wall or under a porting structure. Finally it can come in panels to by used in dry wall, floor insulation (quite rare because expensive compared to similar solutions).


  7. #6

    Re : isoler la maison avec la fibre de cellulose

    Citation Envoyé par sajah Voir le message
    I need to know the effective saving the family has gained after the installation of the product.
    This not going to be any different from any other insulation material around 0,04.
    The return over investment depends immensely of the level of insulation that existed before. Thermal calculation are all over the internet.

    Ouate de cellulose is interesting because it is not very expensive, highly recyclable, good steam perpirance and decent density.
    setbacks : does not stand to be wet, contains borax or aluminium, expect a 20% collapse.

    As for what is the gain provided, you would need to provide what the wall and roof were insulated with before, and how thick you insulated after; the surface of teh wall/roof and many other relevant datas.

    Ouate de cellulose is particularly interesting
    Mon fil : renovation Ancien Moulin - Renovation basse conso ?

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