Juste pour signaler à ceux que ça pourrait intéresser un bouquin :
Supersymmetry de Pierre Binétruy
Je sais pas du tout de quoi ça parle, j'ai juste entendu qu'il était sorti récemment. Mais la couverture dit en sous-titre "Theory, Experiment and Cosmology".
Sans doute un bon livre de chevet !This book describes the basic concepts of supersymmetric theories. It is aimed at theorists, experimentalists and cosmologists interested in supersymmetry, and its content is correspondingly divided into three distinct tracks of study. The topics covered include a discussion of the motivation for supersymmetry in fundamental physics, a description of the minimal supersymmetric model as well as models of grand unification and string models, a presentation of the main scenarios for supersymmetry breaking, including the concepts and results of dynamical breaking. On the astrophysics/cosmology side, the book includes discussions of supersymmetric dark matter candidates, inflation, dark energy, and the cosmological constant problem. Some very basic knowledge of quantum field theory is needed and extensive appendices (in particular an introduction to the Standard Model of fundamental interactions) allow the reader to refresh and complete their notions.
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