jai un exercice de reflexion que jai fait et besoin ke vous me dites est ce mon raisonnement est juste ou pas
In the figure above there are 4 men buried up to their necks. They cannot move and can look only ahead.
Between A and B there is a brick wall and it is not possible to see through it. The 4 men know that they have
4 hats, 2 of them are white and 2 of them are black. However, they do not know the color of their own hat.
To avoid to be executed one of them has to tell to the executioner the color of his own hat. If he mistakes,
all of them will be executed. They cannot talk each other and have 10 minutes to give a correct answer.
After few minutes:
1. Who says the color of his own hat?
2. Why is he sure about his answer?
There is no trick in these questions. There is no external factor which can affect the situation and there
is no alternative communication mean among the prisoners. They cannot move and are buried along a line
such that A and B can only see the brick wall, C can see B, and D sees B and C.
ma reponse:
1- le D peux dire la couleur de son chapeau juste
2- la personne D peut réfléchir de la maniere que: si B a un chapo blanc et C a un chapo noir, donc je pourrais avoir un chapo blan aussi.
je joins la capture de lexo
et merci![]()