voila mon petit probleme, je cherche à postuler pour un stage dans un institut Pasteur à l'étranger. Je dois rédiger une lettre de motiv simple mais sans faute (mais bon j'ai un niveau d'anglais tres moyen, c'est pour ca que je veux partir à l'étranger).
Je voulais savoir si vous pouviez me dire les grosses erreurs qu'il y a dans la lettre. Merci d'avance.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I’m French student in first years of master in drug’s design. My background is academic (Bachelor in chemistry) and technical (I have technical degree in applied chemistry.
I’m looking for internship (six months), starting in January 2010. I’m interest by synthesis of new compound and/ or study theirs therapeutics activities. This internship is part of second years of master.
I apply to the Pasteur Institute because I would like improve my knowledge in screening process. I would discover a new work method and improve my level in English (Actually I have working knowledge of English).
Tank you for taking my request into consideration.[/I]