need some suggestions >>> EPITA
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need some suggestions >>> EPITA

  1. #1

    Lightbulb need some suggestions >>> EPITA


    Hello everyone,
    I 'm an international student and I'm interested in a Master program at EPITA. I don't know this school well, so I need some suggestions in terms of
    -The university reputation in computer field
    -About university's life
    -The chance of getting job when I finish the Master Degree

    Thanks a lot for your help!!


  2. #2

    Re : need some suggestions >>> EPITA

    I graduated from EPITA in 2003, but scholarship has a little changed now... here was the situation in 2003:

    Citation Envoyé par zsci Voir le message
    -The university reputation in computer field
    In France, its reputation is pretty good. Usualy, we are said to be good in technical subjects (programming, analising/solving problems/...) and quite independent.
    No idea about its reputation outside of France

    -About university's life
    Realy good if you like computers and geeks... a bit less if you are interessed in sport, or working in suit
    Students helps each other a lot.

    -The chance of getting job when I finish the Master Degree
    In France, really good... None of my friend had real trouble to find a job in 2003 although the situation was quite bad for computer scientist
    Outside of France... no idea

    Hope it will help !
    Good luck

  3. #3

    Re : need some suggestions >>> EPITA

    Thank you for your answer, Faith.
    I have one more question about internship program, Do students have to find companies by themselves or EPITA offers a place for them?


  4. #4

    Re : need some suggestions >>> EPITA

    Citation Envoyé par zsci Voir le message
    Do students have to find companies by themselves or EPITA offers a place for them?
    We had to find companies by ourselves... but you can easily be helped by previous years graduates (EPITA has a quite strong network of former students)
    Even teachers can help you (or even directly hire you), because some of them have their own company.

  5. A voir en vidéo sur Futura
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