particle and three slits + one detector experiment
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particle and three slits + one detector experiment

  1. #1

    particle and three slits + one detector experiment


    Hello everybody,

    What would happen if in the Young's two slit experiment is done with three slits and at only one slit some sort of particle detecting or particle tagging device is placed and at the remaining slits no means of particle detecting is introduced.

    I know the results of two slits with and without one or two detectors. But in this other scenario I imagine that perhaps a third of the particles shot will read on the detector and will land without an interference pattern, and the others will go undetected and will land with some kind of interference pattern between the other two slits. But I’m wondering if the presents of a single detector will foul the whole thing up somehow ending with no interference pattern result at all. Answering this question will help my thinking on the slit issue a lot.

    Many thanks


  2. #2

    Re : particle and three slits + one detector experiment

    Is the English text in a French forum a remainder of April Fools' day?

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