Bonjour! J'ai trouvé un document super interessant sur le tube de Rijke, un phénomène dont j'étudie actuellement la théorie, mais il est en Anglais, j'ai pas trouvé la traduction, et les "google traduction" etc me sortent des phrases qui n'ont pas de sens. J'ai besoin de quelqu'un qui s'y connait et en physique et en anglais (je sais, je demande trop) qui pourrait me traduire ce texte, ou bien seulement traduire ce qu'il juge me sera necessaire. Merci beaucoup de votre aide
The sound comes from a standing wave whose wavelength is about twice the length of the tube, giving the fundamental frequency. Lord Rayleigh, in his book, gave the correct explanation of how the sound is stimulated.[7] The flow of air past the gauze is a combination of two motions. There is a uniform upwards motion of the air due to a convection current resulting from the gauze heating up the air. Superimposed on this is the motion due to the sound wave.
For half the vibration cycle, the air flows into the tube from both ends until the pressure reaches a maximum. During the other half cycle, the flow of air is outwards until the minimum pressure is reached. All air flowing past the gauze is heated to the temperature of the gauze and any transfer of heat to the air will increase its pressure according to the gas law. As the air flows upwards past the gauze most of it will already be hot because it has just come downwards past the gauze during the previous half cycle. However, just before the pressure maximum, a small quantity of cool air comes into contact with the gauze and its pressure is suddenly increased. This increases the pressure maximum, so reinforcing the vibration. During the other half cycle, when the pressure is decreasing, the air above the gauze is forced downwards past the gauze again. Since it is already hot, no pressure change due to the gauze takes place, since there is no transfer of heat. The sound wave is therefore reinforced once every vibration cycle, and it quickly builds up to a very large amplitude.
This explains why there is no sound when the flame is heating the gauze: all air flowing through the tube is heated by the flame, so when it reaches the gauze, it is already hot and no pressure increase takes place.