Une machine peut-elle penser comme un humain? Je viens de découvrir la vérité, qui commence apparement par Searle*
*je serais curieux de voir sa face quand il lira ça sur conservapediaDespite being a humanist, Searle's arguments reflect the popular religious thought that creation can never be as great as the Creator. Thus, his conclusions are self-evident truth to any theist, as a machine is simply a metal object. To claim that metal can or could think is patently ridiculous.
Artificial intelligence was most popular between the 60's and the 80's, when computers were still new and misunderstood. Notably the homosexual Alan Turing, who shortly thereafter committed suicide, was responsible for much of the fever of attempting to create intelligent computers, with his publication of the paper proposing the Turing Test. This fever quickly subsided, when it was proven, predictably, that AI was impossible.
The field is now divided into several sub-branches, which attempt to recreate some of the features and abilities of the human mind, without assuming that the features such as real intelligence, understanding or emotions are in any way possible for a computer.
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