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Ce livre devrait vous intéresser : Quantum Information Meets Quantum Matter
Un extrait de la préface
Cordialement,Quantum theory has explained and unified many microscopic phenomena, ranging from discrete spectrum of Hydrogen atom, black-body radiation, to interference of electron beam, etc . However, what quantum theory really unifies is information and matter. We know that a change or frequency is a property of information. But according to quantum theory, frequency corresponds to energy. According to the theory of relativity, energy correspond to mass. Energy and mass are properties of matter. In this sense frequency leads to mass and information becomes matter.
But do we believe that matter (and the elementary particles that form the matter) all come from qubits? Is it possible that qubits are the building blocks of all the elementary particles? If matter were formed by simple spin-0 bosonic elementary particles, then it was quite possible that the spin-0 bosonic elementary particles, and the matter that they form, all came from qubits. We can simply view the space as a collection of qubits and the 0-state of qubits as the vacuum. Then the 1-state of qubit will correspond to a spin-0 bosonic elementary particle in space. But our world is much more complicated. The matter in our world is formed by particles that have two really strange properties: Fermi statistics and fractional angular momentum (spin-1/2). Our world also have light, which correspond to spin-1 particles that strangely only have two components. Such spin-1 particles are called gauge bosons.