Du nouveau pour l' accident du "in-vessel transfer machine " de la centrale de Monju.
Un équipement pour retirer les 3.3 tonnes coincées (le terme utilisé est "jam" soit coincé ou qui bouchonne) doit étre essayé mi Juin, et au 23 Mai ils attendaient le feu vert de leur Agence de l' energie Atomique.
Pour fin des réparations à l' automne.
http://www.nuc.berkeley.edu/node/4160Work to Start for Removing Jammed Gear from Monju N-Reactor
(May 23th)
--Workers will start preparations Tuesday to remove a piece of equipment that jams in a prototype fast-breeder nuclear reactor in central Japan, officials said Monday.
Workers at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency will install devices necessary to pull the 12-meter-long, 3.3-ton in-vessel transfer machine out of the Monju reactor in Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture.
The machine, used in refueling work, has been stuck in the reactor vessel since an accident in August last year.
The removal work is expected to take place in mid-June after the agency gets the go-ahead from the industry ministry's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, the officials said.
The agency hopes to complete all related repairs by the autumn.
Mais comme chacun sait à l' automne , il y a bien d' autre chose qui peuvent encore tomber.
la aussi (en date du 25 Mai) : http://www.japantoday.com/category/t...-monju-reactor